#332 From Swing to Blockchain
early programming experiences with Basic and building computers, his first production app at 17 for his father's auto repair shop, starting computer science degree at 16 and completing it at 43, joining Sun Microsystems' Swing team, working on JavaFX from its inception as F3 through its evolution, becoming lead of JavaFX team and chief architect for client Java, moving to Oracle's IoT team, current role as VP of Engineering at Hedera blockchain company, explanation of Hedera's Hashgraph algorithm solving the Byzantine Generals Problem, implementation of Hedera's technology in Java, open-source nature of Hedera's codebase, resources for learning about and developing with Hedera including documentation, Hedera Improvement Proposals - hips, and developer hedera playground, discussion of blockchain technology and its potential impact on open protocols and decentralized networks, comparison of blockchain to distributed databases, explanation of consensus mechanisms in distributed ledgers, tokenization of real-world assets
Richard Bair on twitter: @RichardBair